| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Traning for Uranium Facilities
Module 104 - Internal Dose Control
Control of Movement of Equipment and Personnel
The risk of spreading contamination to an uncontrolled area is directly related to
the amount of equipment moved and the number of personnel exiting the
contamination area.
The risk of spreading contamination can be reduced by minimizing the
movement of equipment and tools into and out of contaminated areas by using
dedicated tools and equipment, and by performing as many work activities as
practical outside contaminated areas.
Besides redu cing the sprea d of contaminat ion, these pr actices save money by:
reducing the n umber of person nel requiri ng training,
reducing the cost of decontaminating and surveying tools and equipment,
reducing the cost of protective clothing used, and
minimizing the production of radioactive waste.
Protective Equipment
Protective Clothing
Use of protective clothing (PC) in contaminated areas will minimize the
potential for skin contamination and ingestion of uranium. The choice
of PC garments will be based on the type of job and the form of
contamination hazards. Protective clothing should not be worn in
uncontrolled areas such as lunch rooms.
Protective clothing commonly worn in the nuclear industry can also
provide beta dose reduction. Gloves are especially helpful in reducing
beta dos e to the h ands whi le handl ing urani um.
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