| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Traning for Uranium Facilities
Module 103 - External Dose Control
DOE facilities, dose received by an individual shall not exceed the limits specified in
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 835 (10 CFR 835).
The elements of an external dose control program include:
detecting and characterizing the beta, gamma, X-ray, and neutron radiation fields;
measuring and/or quantifying these radiation fields;
measuring personnel exposure; and
determining external exposure control practices.
General External Dose Control Practices
These ge neral pr incipl es shoul d be appl ied to co ntrol ex ternal dose fro m uranium:
minimizing time in the radiation field,
maximizing the distance from the radiation source,
using shielding to reduce the radiation field, and
reducing the amount of radioactive material being used.
Specific Beta Dose Control Principles
Surfaces emitting beta radiation are easily shielded with plastic or other light element
materials. Use of denser materials for shielding of high-energy beta radiation may
produce bremsstrahlung X rays and should be avoided.
Beta dose to the lens of the eye can be reduced by using safety glasses. Safety glasses
are commonly worn for industrial safety concerns in areas where uranium is handled.
Heavy rubber or leather gloves are effective in reducing the skin dose to the hand, but
their use must be balanced against other safety concerns, such as hazards from machinery
or loss of manua l dexterity.
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