| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Module 101 Properties of Uranium
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
surfac es are us ually more flaky and s oluble. In
these forms, contamination can be more easily
spread, inha led, and absor bed into the bo dy.
Provide a facility specific
example of uranium in liquid
Uranium melts at 1133C, so molten uranium is
unusual, except in a foundry. It has often been
observed that the radioactivity appears to increase
when uranium is melted. This is because
radioactive decay products, such as radium and
thorium, float to the surface. The density of radium
is 5 g/cm3, compared with 19 g/cm3 for uran ium;
theref ore, rad ium float s in molte n uraniu m.
Uranium in contact or solution with water is
common. The primary hazards associated with a
uranium solution are criticality (for enriched
uranium) and spills. Water decreases the quantity
of enriched uranium required for criticality. This
topic will be discussed in Module 105 - Criticality
Provide a facility specific
Airborne Powder
example of uranium in airborne
powder f orm.
A spill of any radioactive solution is a co ncern. As
the solution evaporates, it leaves behind a
radioactive residue, or powder, that can easily
become airborne. Airborne uranium may be
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