| DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Traning for Uranium Facilities
Module 107 - Course Summary
MODULE 107 - Course Summary
This training course provides a basic understanding of the characteristics of uranium and the
general precautions and controls needed for working in a uranium facility. After this course,
participants should be aware of the following basic concepts:
physical properties of uranium
radioactive properties of uranium
chemical properties of uranium
toxicological propertes and biological effects of uranium on the body
sources of uranium
uranium operations and processes
external dose measurements
external dose reduction and control techniques
internal dose measurements
internal dose reduction and control techniques
factors affecting criticality
criticality safety policies and controls
emergency response for uranium incidents at your facility
The modules included in this training provide a base of general knowledge to better understand
facility-spec ific proced ures and trai ning.
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