| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Traning for Uranium Facilities
Module 102 - The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
D. Uranium Operations and Processes
Uranium processing is dependent upon the desired product, but it generally involves the following
mining and millin g,
waste disposal/storage, and
decontaminat ion and decommiss ioning.
Uranium Mining and Milling
After removal from the mine, the uranium ore is milled to extract the yellowcake. This
involves the following process:
The ore is crushed, ground, and mixed with water to prepare for chemical
The crushed ore and water mixture is mixed with chemicals to separate the
yellowcake from the ore. This separation process is called "leaching." The
resultant products include a slurry of yellowcake ready for additional processing
and a mixture of low-grade crushed rock and sand called "mill tailings."
Only about 3 percent of the actual material removed from the mine ends up as
yellowcake, which means that millions of tons of mill tailings are leftover.
Yellowcake contains 70-90% by weight of uranium oxides. The leftover mill
tailings are a concern because they still contain some of the uranium ore .
Additional hazards exist due to the chemicals added.
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