| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Traning for Uranium Facilities
Module 102 - The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Helium, an inert gas, is pumped into the tubes, which are then capped. A cluster
of these tube s separated by spacers for ms a reactor fue l assembly.
Fabrication of other materials, such as weapons parts, may also include materials made
with ura nium.
The primary goal of the uranium fuel cycle process is to yield enriched uranium. This
product can be used for:
power reactors,
research reactors,
nuclear weapons, and
naval propulsion reactors.
There are also a number of uses for uranium metal depleted in the 235U isotope, such as:
radiation s hielding,
armor-piercing bullets,
catalysts for chemical reactions,
armor plating, and
counter weights.
Depleted uranium typically is cast into ingots or billets, and then shipped to production
facilitie s for appropr iate reshap ing.
Reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel is no longer performed in this country. This
information is provided for the purpose of describing how the process worked at
applicable facilities.
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