| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1115-98
core exposure
fuel temperature
local thermal neutron flux.
Describe the effect of operating the control- and power-shaping rods both inside and
outside specified control bands for varying facility conditions.
Describe the core parameters that affect the following coefficients, and evaluate how
changes in these coefficients affect facility operations
moderator and/or coolant temperature coefficient
Doppler coefficient
power Doppler coefficient
power defect
pressure coefficient
void coefficient.
Evaluate the impact of decay heat generation on posttrip operations for varying facility
Describe the bases for limits on power escalation and descent.
Calculate reactivity balance, critical rod position, shutdown margin, and inverse
count-rate ratios (1/m).
Determine the effect of poison concentration and loading on reactivity control and fuel
management for
fission product poisons
burnable poisons
nonburnable poisons.
Determine the effect of each of the following on reactivity control and facility operations
thermal-hydraulic limits
linear heat generation rates
minimum critical power ratio
average planar linear heat generation rate
peaking factors.
Evaluate the effect of the following on reactivity control and facility operations
unbalanced core flow
recirculation flow changes
control rod movements
natural circulation
thermal-hydraulic instabilities
main generator load changes
inadvertent changes in burnable poison concentration
xenon and samarium concentrations.
Discuss ways to prevent, identify, and mitigate operation with failed fuel.
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