| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1115-98
assess the accident diagnostic ability of the STA. Periodically, STAs should attend simulator
training with licensed operators and perform their STA functions. Simulator training should
address the following areas:
Conduct of normal operations
Diagnosis of and response to abnormal or emergency conditions in the nuclear system
and balance-of-plant systems
Diagnosis of and response to emergency conditions that challenge the engineered
safety features, such as
control of reactivity
maintenance of reactor coolant system integrity
assurance of adequate core cooling and decay heat removal
maintenance of containment integrity.
Simulator exercises should be conducted from a variety of operating conditions. This should
include the following modes and transitions between these modes:
Power operations
Hot standby
Hot shutdown
Cold shutdown.
Simulator exercises should address events of various severity and complexity initiated by
events such as natural disasters, fires, or toxic gases, human error, and instrument or
equipment failure. Based on significant events at operating facilities in recent years, some
exercises should include multiple failures that provide opportunities to assess the ability of the
STA to deal with complex situations and establish priorities for corrective action.
Simulator training should be structured to reflect an actual facility operating environment and to
apply the theory and fundamentals presented in lecture and discussion sessions to actual
facility situations. In-house and industry operating experiences should provide examples of
initiating events, event sequences, and lessons learned that need to be used when developing
scenarios. A sufficient number of scenarios should be developed initially, and new scenarios
should be added periodically so that the STAs are presented with varying situations to
diagnose. Repeated use of the same scenario causes STAs to make conditioned responses
rather than making a true diagnosis of the event. Additionally, enough scenarios should be
developed so tasks are exercised under different facility modes.
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