| DOE-HDBK-1116-98
The example comprehensive case study that follows was used to train personnel in the
commercial nuclear industry. Because of the length of the comprehensive case, trainees may
need to spend considerable time (as much as two or three hours) in preparation for the case
discussion session. The discussion is very nondirective, with the instructor's role being that of
catalyst, encourager, climate-setter, devil's advocate, issue sharpener, referee, etc., rather than
that of expert, lecturer, authority figure, and the like. The instructor's technique to start the
discussion is often a simple question: " hat seems to be going on here?"
The group typically will identify many issues in the case since it is so comprehensive and diverse.
A major goal is for the trainees to see the " ig picture,"the relationships of events, the internal
and external forces at work, the role of personality in decision making, and so forth. Learning
takes place largely because of the different views of the group.
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