| DOE-HDBK-1116-98
the spreading room, an assistant shift
Fire in the Reactor Building
engineer attempted to initiate the cable
spreading room's total flooding carbon
When the two construction workers arrived
dioxide system from outside the cable
at the penetration in the reactor building,
spreading room, but was unable to do so
they discovered the fire had spread into the
because it had been deenergized while
cable tray system about 20feet above the
workmen were in the spreading room. The
floor. Their attempts at extinguishing the fire
assistant shift engineer restored the
were unsuccessful. When the assistant shift
electrical power and initiated the carbon
engineer arrived at the scene, he took
dioxide system. After the carbon dioxide
charge of the fire-fighting efforts and
system had been operated, the assistant
evacuated all construction workers from the
shift engineer checked the spreading room
reactor building. Heavy smoke reduced area
and found that the fire was still burning
visibility and made the use of breathing
because the ventilation system had not been
apparatus necessary. An hour and ten
minutes after the fire started, all ac lighting
in the reactor building was lost. Soon after
Organized fire fighting efforts were delayed
lighting was lost in the reactor building, the
because the control room did not know the
decision was made to concentrate on
exact location of the fire. An assistant shift
fighting the fire in the cable spreading room.
engineer located the construction workers
This was necessary because the cable
fighting the fire in the reactor building and
spreading room fire was beginning to affect
called the control room, while another
the operability of plant systems and because
assistant shift engineer in the reactor
the control room was located directly above
building reported the cable spreading room
the cable spreading room.
fire to the control room.
Consequently, limited fire fighting took place
Fifty minutes after the start of the fire, fire
in the reactor building. When the fire in the
fighting efforts were underway on both sides
cable spreading room was extinguished four
of the wall but met with little success in
hours after the start of the fire, the assistant
stopping the spread of the fire. The
shift engineer, who had been directing
assistant shift engineer in charge in the
activities in the cable spreading room, took
reactor building called for the assistance of a
charge of fire fighting in the reactor building.
nearby community fire department. These
Because of limited visibility, wires and ropes
fire fighting personnel arrived on the scene
were used as guides by fire fighting
after the fire had burned for almost an hour
personnel. Eventually, temporary DC
and a half. Fire fighting continued in the
lighting was installed. Teams of two to three
cable spreading room using portable carbon
people were relayed into the fire area to
dioxide and dry chemical extinguishers for
discharge fire extinguishers and then return.
almost three hours when a near continuous
Water was not used as an extinguishing
application of dry chemical and carbon
agent until later that evening, seven hours
dioxide agents extinguished the cable
after the fire started. After water was
spreading room fire.
continuously applied for 10 minutes, the fire
in the reactor building was extinguished.
Water was initially not used to fight the fires
because plant personnel were concerned
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