| DOE-HDBK-1116-98
4.5 Providing Case Study Questions
The case study should include questions for the instructor to ask the trainees. These questions
can be written within the case study, as the next example shows, or within the lesson plan for
other types of case studies. These questions should be based on the learning objectives
because they ask for the correct response to be observed. The instructional developer should
provide the instructor with correct or acceptable answers in an answer key within the lesson plan.
Shift supervisor
What steps are taken at your
Fire brigade leader
facility to ensure the ability to
Fire brigade team member
operate equipment and valves
What sources of emergency
lighting and ventilation are
How are the operators at your
available at your facility for use at
facility made knowledgeable of
the scene of a fire? Where are
alternate equipment power
they located?
supplies and system
cross-connect capabilities?
How are the following casualty
response elements coordinated
How is the quantity and location
with the surrounding communities
of breathing air packs at your
at your facility?
facility determined?
Knowledge of response
What are the immediate
individual responses to a fire at
Compatibility of equipment
your facility of the...
Provisions for rapid....
4.6 Providing Information on Facility-Specific Actions
Provide information on facility-specific design or procedures that would moderate the severity of
a similar event should it occur at your facility. This information may consist of excerpts from
procedures, DOE orders, Technical Safety Requirements, descriptions of engineered and other
corrective solutions, and so on. The next example illustrates this point.
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