| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1117-99
This Department of Energy (DOE) Handbook is approved for use by all DOE
Components and their contractors. The Handbook incorporates editorial changes to DOE-STD-
1059-93, Guide to Good Practices for Maintenance Supervisor Selection and Development, and
supersedes DOE-STD-1059-93. Technical content of this Handbook has not changed from the
original technical standard. Changes are primarily editorial improvements, redesignation of the
standard to a Handbook, and format changes to conform with current industry standards and
Technical Standards Program procedures.
This technical standard provides guidance to DOE staff and contractors that can be used
to modify existing programs or to develop new programs. DOE contractors should not feel
obligated to adopt all parts of this guide. Rather, they can use the information in this guide to
develop programs that apply to their facility. This guide can be used as an aid in the design and
development of a facility3s maintenance supervisor training program. This guide can be used in
developing a program for initial and continuing training.
Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data
that may improve this document should be sent to the Office of Nuclear Safety Policy and
Standards (EH-31), U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585, by letter or by using
the self-addressed Document Improvement Proposal (DOE F 1300.3) appearing at the end of
this document.
DOE Technical Standards, such as this Handbook, do not establish requirements.
However, all or part of the provisions in a technical standard can become requirements under
the following circumstances:
(1) they are explicitly stated to be requirements in a DOE requirements document; or
(2) the organization makes a commitment to meet a technical standard in a contract or in a
plan or program required by a DOE requirements document.
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