| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1117-99
*A.11 Radiological Protection
The purpose of this subject area is to enable the candidate or incumbent to attain an advanced
knowledge of the facility radiological protection program as it relates to maintenance activities.
Topics for consideration include:
Policies and procedures related to radiological protection
10 CFR 835, "Occupational Radiation Protection," DOE
Radiological Control Standard, and company administrative
policies concerning the exposure of workers to external and
internal radiation, including pregnant females
Radiological responsibilities of maintenance supervisors and
maintenance workers
Controls for limiting lifetime exposure
Minimizing dose to workers (time, distance, shielding)
Methods of controlling radioactive contamination at the source
and controlling access to radiologically controlled areas
Personnel actions required during unusual radiological situations
Hot particle control during maintenance activities
Use of mockups and pre-briefs to reduce radiation exposure
Methods of minimizing generation of solid radioactive waste and
hazardous mixed wastes
ALARA program at the facility
Further guidance on this subject area is provided in the DOE Guide to Good Practices for
Training and Qualification of Maintenance Personnel.
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