| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1117-99
The extent of required job familiarization depends on the background and experience of the
candidate and should be determined by the maintenance manager on a case-by-case basis.
Job familiarization should consider the areas described in Appendix B. Newly hired supervisors
from outside the facility's work force should be given the opportunity to visit facility areas and
DOE offices to familiarize themselves with responsibilities and functions in various areas.
3.5 Temporary Supervisors
Facility personnel who are temporarily upgraded to perform supervisory duties should also be
provided basic elements of supervisory training. Line and training managers should determine
the training needs for these supervisors based on the individual's education, experience, and
work to be performed (including contracted supervisors). The maintenance manager should
approve the training subjects and topics selected. Items to consider when determining what
training these supervisors need include the following:
The range of duties assigned to the supervisor (for example, all supervisory tasks,
monitoring and reporting only, technical guidance only, select combinations of supervisor
If management expects the supervisor to perform a majority of the tasks that a
permanent full-time supervisor typically performs, then it would be appropriate to provide
the training as outlined in Appendices A and B. However, if the supervisor functions only
as a lead mechanic or a technical expert for a specific work assignment, then complete
supervisory training may not be needed.
The supervisor's knowledge of supervisory tasks and management performance
Interviews and on-the-job demonstrations or simulations with the supervisor candidates
could determine areas in which knowledge and skill improvements are needed. For
example, a candidate may have successfully described the attributes for observing a
work activity but did not know how frequently the maintenance manager expects an
observation to be conducted. In this case, job scope limitations may be all that are
needed until corrections are provided through coaching sessions. However, if the same
candidate could not demonstrate how to access the historical records of the
computerized maintenance system when this task forms a large part of a supervisor's
daily job, then a structured training session may be needed before the candidate is
upgraded or allowed to perform supervisory duties.
The length of time the supervisor is expected to perform supervisory duties
Temporary supervisors are not expected to receive supervisory training unless they will
be used repeatedly as supervisors, or unless they will fulfill the position for an extended
period. Temporary supervisors are expected to receive appropriate coaching for the
functions they provide prior to performing supervisory duties independently. For
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