| DOE-HDBK-1118-99
Participation in a facility drill or walk-through may include being assigned as a monitor for
observing and evaluating personnel response to normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions.
Facility drills and walk-throughs should be structured to allow review and practice of actions
required to respond to normal, abnormal, and emergency facility conditions. Facility drills and
walk-throughs should involve the following:
Reviewing or implementing facility procedure steps
Performing or simulating actions required to establish stable facility conditions
Identifying equipment control locations and functions
Identifying expected facility instrumentation and alarm response
Including maintenance personnel, operations support, and technical staff
Practicing communications necessary to gather information or coordinate actions
Simulating adverse facility environments (e.g., no lighting, high noise, high radiation levels).
Each facility drill or walk-through must be carefully planned and monitored to evaluate
individual and team response. A review of facility and industry operating experiences should
provide examples of initiating cues, event sequences, and lessons learned that can be used
when developing scenarios. The drill or walk-through scenarios should include the following:
Statement to participants clarifying the objectives of the drill or walk-through, the
authority of the evaluators and the shift supervisor, and the requirement for adherence
to approved procedures
Precautions, including conditions under which the drill will be terminated
Reference materials
Prerequisites for initiation, including the need for safety monitors
Narrative summary of expected sequence
Provision for drill and walk-through critiques with participants
Performance tests.
Performance testing should be used during the drill or walk-through to evaluate employee
proficiency in the performance of assigned tasks. Performance deficiencies identified in the
critique should be reviewed by training and line management, and the results should be
provided to the employee. Additions or modifications to training programs required to correct
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