| DOE-HDBK-1118-99
During on-the-job training sessions, laboratory and simulator exercises, and facility walk-
throughs, the exercises used should emphasize the importance of the following:
Diagnostic skills
Lessons learned from facility and industry operating experience
Appropriate response to facility conditions
Procedure use
Use of reference materials
Compliance with the Technical Safety Requirements
Operating practices employed at the facility
Applying theoretical knowledge to practical situations.
Response to abnormal and emergency conditions should include use of alternate methods of
accomplishing a given function, such as using different lineups, emergency lighting, or
ventilation of a work space. Exercises involving failures and/or operator or maintenance errors
should also be included. When conducting the exercises, use of applicable facility procedures
should be maximized.
3.1.1 Laboratory and Simulator Exercises
Laboratory exercises and simulator exercises (for facilities having simulators) should address
the performance tasks identified for continuing training at a frequency sufficient to ensure that
necessary skills are maintained. To accomplish this objective, the skills portion of continuing
training should address each of the following major functional areas of responsibility:
Conduct of normal operations and maintenance, including preventative actions and
Diagnosis of and response to abnormal conditions in facility systems and components
Diagnosis of and response to emergency conditions that challenge the safety systems.
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