| DOE-HDBK-1119-99
Suggested Learning Activities:
5.1, 5.2
Review and discuss with an experienced shift supervisor the necessary
involvement of the shift supervisor and the impact of the shift supervisor's
actions on facility operations and public safety.
Use a case-study approach to facility operations with emphasis on shift
supervisor involvement and oversight to maintain the basic design
operating considerations associated with safety. Stress the responsibility
of and the need for the shift supervisor to maintain an overall perspective
of facility operations and not be so drawn into a specific problem or
activity that this perspective is essentially lost. Reference 1 may be
helpful in demonstrating this need [e.g., taking conservative actions,
monitoring appropriate indications, and exercising necessary caution
when the facility approaches or is in a condition that could result in
challenges to reactor/facility safety or a reduced safety margin (operating
experience can be used to support this activity)].
5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6
A simulator (for those facilities that have them) may be used to exercise
implementation skills in advocating public safety, shift supervisor
involvement, monitoring appropriate indications, and exercising caution
when the facility is approaching or in a condition that could result in
reduced safety.
The simulator may be used to exercise these skills in conjunction with other
learning objectives and training activities (e.g., when an experienced reactor
operator or nuclear facility operator, who is a shift supervisor candidate, is acting
as the shift supervisor in the simulator as part of normal shift crew continuing
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