| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1119-99
recordings, charts, and/or printouts from instruments or computers monitoring the
operation during the occurrence
- first 19 fields and field #25 of an occurrence report
C Internal and external investigations of the occurrence
C Final evaluation and lessons-learned from the occurrence.
Facility Self-Assessment
Shift supervisor trainees should receive training in facility self-assessment as
appropriate to their job responsibilities. This training should be further emphasized in
the continuing training program. Training should include the following:
Importance of the self-assessment
Shift supervisor's role in the self-assessment program
Self-assessment process and reporting requirements
Standard operating procedures for self-assessment
Root cause analysis
Reporting system to document, communicate, and track findings and corrective
Conduct of Operations
Shift supervisor trainees should receive training in conduct of operations because the
shift supervisor is the key to safe operation of the facility. Training should address the
requirements listed in DOE Order 5480.19, " onduct of Operations Requirements for
DOE Facilities."
Work Control
The shift supervisor is involved in the planning and organizing of work to be
accomplished during the shift. In order to effectively and properly manage the shift work
load, the shift supervisor should receive training in the following areas:
C Work control documents
- work release or authorization forms
- safe work permits
- radiological control work permits
- standard work permits
C Process for obtaining reviews prior to commencing work
C Safety Analysis and Technical Safety Requirements
- objectives
- management responsibilities
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