| DOE-HDBK-1119-99
20.11 Given information about a fictitious operator, complete a performance appraisal form on
that person.
20.12 In a role-playing setting, conduct a review of a performance appraisal with an individual
using a completed performance appraisal.
1. Company policy and procedures on performance evaluations.
2. Bargaining unit agreement.
Suggested Learning Activities:
Have a discussion with a human resources person or operations
manager on personnel evaluation methods and standards,
responsibilities of the supervisor, expectations of management, and
applicable counseling techniques (including use of objectives,
observations, and facts; timely, candid, and two-way constructive
discussions with employees; and the realization that each individual can
improve their performance with the help of appropriate coaching from
their supervisor). Include in this discussion any aspects unique to the
shift supervisor position.
20.10, 20.11
Perform a structured exercise to highlight the difficulty of observing and
removing subjectivity from writing performance appraisals. Plans should
be developed for dealing with the same types of issues encountered on
the job.
Perform role-play of a shift supervisor conducting a review of a
performance appraisal with an individual. Facilitate feedback from the
role-play and include the following:
C Effectiveness of the counseling process
C Application and implementation of company procedures
C Challenges in conducting the review.
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