| DOE-HDBK-1119-99
21.10 Explain the basis for and function of the DOE Maintenance Order.
1. Facility safety analysis reports regarding design bases.
2. Facility operating limits.
Suggested Learning Activities:
Review basic concepts covered in previous nuclear facility/reactor
operator training to refamiliarize the trainee with information contained in
the facility safety analysis report and plant operating limits.
21.1-21.5, 21.9
Have a discussion with an operations instructor (having individual
knowledge of facility design criteria) on fundamental design
considerations and the relation of these considerations to facility
operation and operating limits. Stress aspects of design that affect
facility safety, including systems important to mitigating facility transients.
Discuss the role of design bases and operating limits in minimizing the
potential for adverse interactions among systems (e.g., adjustments of
cooling water to a large component may affect cooling to other
components served by that cooling water system). Discuss
environmentally qualified equipment and the impact upon facility
operation if environmental qualification deficiencies are encountered.
Review (reading and self-study) and discuss with an engineering
representative data from selected safety analyses involving facility
vulnerabilities, dominant damaging events, important systems and
equipment, and key operator actions for event mitigation as a result of
facility-specific design characteristics.
Use a case study approach to a facility-specific, challenging, and
plausible event(s) that addresses the potential of putting the facility
outside the design bases, such as loss of residual heat removal.
Operating experience may be used to support this activity. (A simulator
may also be used for demonstration following classroom discussion.)
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