| DOE-HDBK-1119-99
C Sound judgment
- maturity
- conservative approach toward nuclear and personnel safety
- inquisitive
- persistent, yet cautious
- effective planning
- logical and cautious decision making
- understands personal limitations and policy
C Motivation
- responsible for own development
- desire for additional challenges and responsibilities
C High values and integrity
- professional ethics
- high personal standards of performance and commitment to quality
- positive attitude
- commitment to values that support ogranizational goals
- high level of performance
C Thorough technical knowledge
- technical knowledge of the tasks performed by the personnel supervised
- analytical ability
- industrial safety awareness.
- recognition of transients
- emergency procedure bases
- in-house and industry operating experience lessons learned awareness
Some techniques that may be used to provide input for selecting shift supervisor trainees
include: questionnaires, aptitude tests, examinations of technical knowledge and supervisory
ability, on-the-job observations, performance during continuing training, and interviews by
facility line managers. The techniques should be applied in a manner that attains consistent
assessment of trainees. Regardless of the techniques used to provide inputs, careful and
thoughtful selection by line management is essential.
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