| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
ADMINISTRATION The TFG activities will receive sufficient management priority in
terms of resource commitment to achieve the stated goals and objectives. Priorities will
be established jointly between the respective DOE Program Managers and Facility
Management Division Directors at Headquarters, and the DOE Field Office managers.
The TFG shall look to the TOMFG to resolve any conflicts in site priorities and to
achieve consensus guidelines and best practices proposed for approval by the DOE line
MEETINGS The TFG will meet on a periodic basis of at least two times per year.
Meeting topics and agenda will be jointly developed by group members, and approved
and issued by the Chairperson. Meeting locations will be rotated among the respective
sites. DOE oversight organizations will be invited, as appropriate. As a minimum, the
minutes of each meeting will be written and distributed to members within 10 days. The
TOMFG will meet, as necessary, to assure timely action on proposals and continuity of
the TFG efforts.
TRITIUM FOCUS SUBGROUPS (TFS) The TFG will initiate formation of TFSs, as
necessary, to recommend solutions to problems or concerns that may arise within the
tritium complex. This may include the hosting of workshops to address issues such as
implementation of specific XXX orders. Conclusions of the TFSs will be documented
and distributed to TFG members. Proposals from the TFG will be provided through the
TOMFG to appropriate DOE line management for approval.
TECHNICAL EXCHANGE The TFG will encourage exchange of related technical
information via meetings, conferences, and symposia.
DELIVERABLES Initial deliverables will be timely communication and sharing of
operational experiences among the facilities, meeting minutes, and proposals. Other
deliverables will be developed in accordance with associate milestone schedules and
IFS activity.
CHARTER REVIEW The Charter will be reviewed annually and revised, as
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