| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
or a Q-Tip. The filter paper or Q-Tip is then placed in a scintillation cocktail, and the quantity of
tritium is measured by counting the light flashes that occur in the scintillation cocktail as the
For liquid measurement, a sample of the liquid to be measured is placed in the liquid
scintillation cocktail and measured. The tritium concentration of the liquid is calculated in
Ci/mL. For solid measurement, a known weight of a material is dissolved to produce a liquid
and then the liquid is sampled and measured in the scintillation counter. The quantity of tritium
is then calculated in units of Ci/g of the original solid.
Gas Samplers -- Many different types of gas samplers have been developed and used for
measuring very small quantities of tritium in very large volumes of gas. These samplers are
used to measure quantities of tritium released through a facility stack and for environmental
monitoring at a site. Stack exhaust gas monitoring systems generally use an ionization
chamber to measure the tritium in the stack gases and a gas sampler to measure the
extremely low levels of tritium that cannot be measured by an ionization chamber.
Most of the stack gas samplers are patterned after the ethylene glycol sampling system
developed at Mound Laboratories. A commercial version of this system is now available. In
this system, a sample of gas from the stack is circulated through six ethylene glycol bubblers in
series. The first three bubblers remove tritium in the form of HTO, DTO, and T2O. The gas
stream is passed through a heated catalytic reactor where tritium in the form of HT, DT, T2, and
CHxTy, is cracked and oxidized to form water. This sample is then passed through three more
ethylene glycol bubblers to remove the tritium gas, which is now in the form of water. After a
period from a few hours to days, a sample of the ethylene glycol from each bubbler is removed
and counted using a scintillation counter to determine the quantity of tritium in each bubbler.
Tritium recovered from the first three bubblers is proportional to the tritium in liquid form
contained in the stack gases and the tritium recovered in the last three bubblers is proportional
to the quantity of tritium in gaseous form contained in the exhaust gases.
Due to the extremely small quantity of tritium contained in the atmospheric gases surrounding a
tritium facility, the environmental gas samplers use higher flow rate sampler systems than
those required for stack monitoring, and, in general, collect the water on molecular sieve traps.
The water collected on the molecular sieve traps is then recovered from the trap and the tritium
concentration of the gas passing through the trap is calculated from the tritium concentration of
the collected water, the gas flow rate through the trap, and the sampling time.
Portable Room Air Monitors -- There are several hand held portable room air monitors on the
market and their capabilities and ranges vary as a function of the different manufacturer and
the purpose for which they were designed. It is convenient in some activities to have the
capability to connect a small hose to the monitor so that it may be used to detect tritium leaks
around equipment.
Fixed Station Room Air Monitors -- Fixed station monitors are designed to be installed in fixed
locations and to be used to monitor the room air tritium concentrations. Depending upon the
manufacturer they may have several ranges and are equipped with one or two alarm set points
and audible as well as visual alarms.
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