| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
vessel. The containment vessel is authorized for containers of tritium gas, tritiated water, or
tritium-containing solids and is limited to 150 grams of tritium. The TRUPACT-II is authorized for
fourteen DOT Type A, Specification 7A 55-gallon drums or two Standard Waste Boxes. The
authorized waste forms for the TRUPACT-II are solids or solidified liquids.
Tritium waste that meets the definition of LSA or SCO may be shipped domestically in a DOT Type
A, Specification 7A packaging or a strong, tight package. A strong, tight package is defined as a
package that prevents leakage of the radioactive content under normal conditions of transport. A
strong, tight package may be used if the shipment is made for exclusive use and each package is
limited to 40 TBq (1080 Ci) of tritium.
7.2.3 Minimum Requirements for Packaging
The design requirements for a radioactive materials package are located in 10 CFR 71.43 and
49 CFR 173.410. These requirements include the following:
The smallest overall dimension may not be less than 10 centimeters (4 inches).
The outside of the package must incorporate a feature, such as a seal, that is not readily
breakable and that, while intact, would be evidence that the package had not been opened by
unauthorized persons.
A containment system securely closed by positive fastening devices that cannot be opened
unintentionally or by a pressure that may arise within the package.
Materials and construction that ensure that there will be no significant reaction between the
package components, and contents, including possible reaction resulting from inleakage of
water, to the maximum credible extent. Account must be taken of the behavior of materials
under irradiation. (Irradiation of materials is not a significant consideration with tritium.
However, chemical compatibility with hydrogen needs to be evaluated for shipments of
gaseous tritium.)
Any valves or devices, the failure of which would allow radioactive contents to escape, must be
protected against unauthorized operation and, except for a pressure relief device, must be
provided with an enclosure to retain any leakage.
Design, construction, and preparation for shipment so that under the tests specified in
10 CFR 71.71 there would be no loss or dispersal of contents, no significant increase in the
external surface radiation level, and no substantial reduction in the effectiveness of the
No features that will allow continuous venting.
The package can be easily handled and properly secured in or on a conveyance during
Each lifting attachment that is a part of the package must be designed with a minimum safety
factor of five, based upon breaking strength, when used to lift the package in the intended
manner, and it must be designed so that failure of any lifting attachment under excessive load
would not impair the ability of the package to meet other requirements of 49 CFR Subpart I.
Any other structural part of the package, which could be used to lift the package, must be
capable of being rendered inoperable for lifting the package during transport or must be
designed with strength equivalent to that required for lifting attachments.
The external surfaces, as far as practicable, will be free from protruding features and will be
easily decontaminated.
The outer layer of packaging will avoid, as far as practicable, pockets or crevices where water
might collect.
Each feature that is added to the package will not reduce the safety of the package.
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