| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
49 CFR 173.473 - Requirements for foreign-made packages.
In addition to other applicable requirements of this subchapter, each shipper of a foreign-made
Type B, Type B(U), Type B(M), or fissile material package for which a competent authority
certificate is required by the IAEA "Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials,
Safety Series No. 6" should also comply with the requirements in 49 CFR 173.473.
7.5 Quality Assurance/Control Requirements
7.5.1 DOT Quality Control Requirements
Quality control requirements for packaging and transportation are defined in 10 CFR 71 and
49 CFR 173.
10 CFR 71.37 Quality Assurance
The applicant shall describe the quality assurance program (see subpart H of this part) for the
design, fabrication, assembly, testing, maintenance, repair, modification, and use of the
proposed package.
The applicant shall identify any established codes and standards proposed for use in package
design, fabrication, assembly, testing, maintenance, and use. In the absence of any codes and
standards, the applicant shall describe the basis and rationale used to formulate the package
quality assurance program.
The applicant shall identify any specific provisions of the quality assurance program which are
applicable to the particular package design under consideration, including a description of the
leak testing procedures.
49 CFR 173.474 Quality control for construction of packaging
Prior to the first use of any packaging for the shipment of radioactive material, the shipper shall
determine that
-- The packaging meets the quality of design and construction requirements as specified in
this subchapter; and
-- The effectiveness of the shielding, containment, and, when required, the heat transfer
characteristics of the package, are within the limits specified for the package design.
49 CFR 173.475 Quality control requirements prior to each shipment of radioactive materials.
Before each shipment of any radioactive materials package, the shipper shall ensure by
examination or appropriate tests, that
-- The package is proper for the contents to be shipped;
-- The package is in unimpaired physical condition, except for superficial marks;
-- Each closure device of the packaging, including any required gasket, is properly installed,
secured, and free of defects;
-- Each special instruction for filling, closing and preparation of the packaging for shipment
has been followed;
-- Each closure, valve, or other opening of the containment system through which the
radioactive content might escape is properly closed and sealed;
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