| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
6.4 Receiving Tritium
Nuclear Material may be delivered to a receiving area, a receiving storage area, or directly to the
tritium-handling facility. A brief description of the DOE regulatory requirement is as follows:
The Receiving Area and/or Receiving Storage Area must be inside a posted "Controlled Area."
The Receiving Area and/or Receiving Storage Area must be inside a posted "Radioactive
Materials Area (RMA)."
The Receiving Area and/or Receiving Storage Area must be posted to reflect the radiological
hazard that exists due to the quantity and types of nuclear material received and/or stored.
The Receiving Area and/or Receiving Storage Area must be inside a "Controlled Area" and
posted as a Controlled Area.
Inside the Controlled Area is an area posted as a RMA.
The boundary of the Controlled Area and the RMA can be the same boundary.
The area where the nuclear material is being kept while waiting to be transported from the
Receiving Area must be posted as a Controlled Area and an RMA while the nuclear material is
present. When the nuclear material is moved to a Storage Area, the signs can be removed. While
in the Receiving Area and/or Storage Area, the material must remain in the certified shipping
container. No nuclear material handling or unpacking can take place in this area.
As long as the material remains packaged in the approved container (includes certification), the
quantities are not a facility issue during the receiving process. However, the total site quantities,
including the packaged material, cannot exceed limits specified in the site's EIS.
Site and facility management may have internal requirements and limits associated with the receipt
and storage of nuclear materials. In general, as long as the material remains in the approved
shipping package it can be received, stored, and transported per requirements.
The container should be radiologically surveyed to determine radiological posting needs and to
ensure it is safe for storage. When the material is removed from the receiving area, the RMA, and
Controlled Area, and radiological sign may be removed.
6.5 Storage of Packaged Nuclear Materials
The packaged nuclear materials may be transported to a storage area while awaiting transport to a
tritium-handling operations area. While in the Storage Area the same rules apply as those in the
Receiving Area.
The Storage Area must be inside a posted "Controlled Area."
The Storage Area must be inside a posted "RMA."
The Storage Area must be posted to reflect the radiological hazard that exists due to the
quantity and types of nuclear material stored.
The nuclear material must remain packaged in the certified shipping containers.
Periodic surveys must be performed and be sufficiently detailed to determine that surface
contamination levels are not exceeded, airborne releases are not occurring, and packages are
not leaking.
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