| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
Once the quantity of tritium in the container on the Sampling Date is known, the quantity of
tritium in the container for any other date, including the Book Value Date can be calculated.
The number of moles of gas in the container on the Sampling Date (n(TotCSmplDa)) is the sum of
the number of moles of the non-tritiated gases present in the container, which do not change
with time due to decay, (n(Non-tritium)), plus the number of moles of tritium in the container at the
time of the sampling (n(T2CSmplDa)). In equation form
PV/zRT = n(TotCSmplDa)
= n(Non-tritium) + n(T2CSmplDa)
Rearranging the equation it becomes
n(Non-tritium) = n(TotCSmplDa) - n(T2CSmplDa)
The total number of moles of material in the container on the Analysis Date, (n(TotCAnlDa)) is
n(TotCAnlDa) = n(Non-tritium) + n(T2CSmplDa) x e((t ln(0.5))/4500.88) + 2 x (n(T2CSmplDa) - n(T2CSmplDa) e((t x
where n(Non-tritium) = sum of the moles of the other gases
(n(T2CSmplDa) (e((t ln(0.5))/4500.88)) = number of moles of T2 decayed
2 x (n(T2CSmplDa) - n(T2CSmplDa) e((t ln(0.5))/4500.88)) = number of moles of 3He created
t = time between the Sampling Date and Analysis Date in days
Factoring, the equation becomes
n(TotCAnlDa) = n(Non-tritium) + n(T2CSmplDa) x (2 - e((t x ln(0.5))/4500.88))
On the day the gas analysis is performed, the mole percent of tritium (m%(T2MAnlDa)) is
determined by gas analysis. The equation is
m%(T2MAnlDa) is equal to the number of moles of tritium on the sampling date decayed to the
analysis date; i.e., (n(T2CSmplDa) x e((t x ln(0.5))/4500.88)) divided by the number of moles in the sampled
container on the analysis date; i.e., (n(TotCAnlDa)) multiplied by 100 to convert it to percent.
m%(T2MAnlDa)={(n(T2CSmplDa)e((txln(0.5))/4500.88))/n(TotCAnlDa)} x 100
where (n(T2CSmplDa) x e((t x ln(0.5))/4500.88)) = number of decayed moles of T
(n(TotCAnlDa)) = number of moles in the sample on the Analysis Date
t = time between the Sampling Date and Analysis Date in
Rearranging the equation it becomes
((t x ln(0.5))/4500.88)
n(TotCAnlDa) = {(n(T2CSmplDa) e
)/m%(T2MAnlDa)} x 100
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