| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
The documentation should be constructed in such a way that independent review would result in
consistent characterization conclusions. The collection, review, management, and dissemination
of the information should be standardized and documented to ensure data integrity and that the
information is defensible during future assessments.
The use of waste knowledge to characterize wastes may be applicable in a number of situations,
Waste stream is difficult to sample because of the physical form.
Sampling analysis would result in unacceptable risks of radiation exposure.
Waste is too heterogeneous in composition.
Waste sampling and analysis is not feasible or necessary.
Waste stream results from well-documented specific processes, such as with standard
laboratory operations.
8.2.2 Tritium Disposition Options
Tritium exists in various concentrations and forms throughout the complex. The tritium contained
in waste streams could be stored, released to the environment (i.e., in compliance with applicable
regulatory limits or permitted levels), or recovered for reuse. This section provides an overview of
a process to help make an informed decision on tritium disposition.
The diagram depicted on Figure 8-1 provides a simplified flow path for ultimate disposition of
tritiated material. The first fork is associated with the production source of the tritium. As
discussed in Section 3.1.3, the RCRA regulations include an exclusion from the hazardous waste
management requirements for source, special nuclear and byproduct material as defined by the
AEA [40 CFR 261.4(a)(4)]. Reactor-produced tritium wastes meet this definition of "byproduct"
material, and, as such, are excluded from the RCRA requirements applicable to solid waste and
hazardous waste. Additionally, EPA has applied a regulatory policy in certain cases [Ref. 13-17]
by which residuals, derived from the management of RCRA exempt or excluded waste, retain the
exemption or exclusion (even if they subsequently exhibit hazardous characteristics). These
considerations provide the basis for not including a hazardous waste determination step, relative to
assessing the tritium itself, in the reactor-produced tritium fork presented in Figure 8-1.
Accelerator-produced tritium waste does not qualify for the RCRA source, special nuclear, and
byproduct material exclusion. As such, any accelerator-produced tritium waste stream that
exhibits one or more of the characteristics of hazardous waste (e.g., ignitability, corrosivity) would
be subject to the RCRA hazardous waste provisions. For this reason, the accelerator-produced
tritium fork in Figure 8-1 includes a determination of whether the material (i.e., the accelerator-
produced tritium waste itself) is hazardous. The authors believe that it is unlikely that forms of
tritiated materials in container configurations, used in the DOE complex, would exhibit any of the
four characteristics of hazardous waste. This pathway, while unlikely to exist, is still possible (e.g.,
compressed tritium gas in a container configuration satisfies the characteristic of ignitability) and is
illustrated in Figure 8-1.
Both the accelerator and reactor forks include a mixed waste determination. Specifically, this
determination step considers whether the tritiated material also contains a RCRA hazardous waste
component (i.e., in addition to the tritium/radioactive component). If a reactor-produced or
accelerator-produced tritium waste stream also contains a hazardous waste component, the waste
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