| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1129-99
Rail - 49 CFR 174, Subparts A-D and K.
Air - 49 CFR 176, Subparts A-D and M.
Vessel - 49 CFR 176, Subparts A-D and M.
Public Highway - 49 CFR 177.
10 CFR 71 Subpart D - Application for Package Approval
The application for package approval must include, for each proposed packaging design, the
following information:
-- A package description as required by 10 CFR 71.33;
-- A package evaluation as required by 10 CFR 71.35; and
-- A quality assurance program description as required by 10 CFR 71.37.
Except as provided in 10 CFR 71.13, an application for modification of a package design,
whether for modification of the packaging or authorized contents, must include sufficient
information to demonstrate that the proposed design satisfies the package standards in effect
at the time the application is filed.
10 CFR 71 Subpart E - Package Approval Standards
Demonstration of compliance must be in accordance with 10 CFR 71.41.
General standards for all packages are specified in 10 CFR 71.43.
Lifting and tie-down standards for all packages are specified in 10 CFR 71.45.
External radiation standards for all packages are specified in 10 CFR 71.47.
7.4.2 Type B User Documentation
In addition to Type A package requirements, Type B packages have documentation requirements
defined in 10 CFR 71 and 49 CFR 173.
10 CFR 71.51 - Additional requirements for Type B packages
A Type B package, in addition to satisfying the requirements of paragraphs 10 CFR 71.41 -
71.47 must be designed, constructed, and prepared for shipment so that under the tests
specified in
-- Section 10 CFR 71.71 (Normal Conditions of Transport), there would be no loss or
dispersal of radioactive contents, as demonstrated to a sensitivity of 10-6 A2 per hour, no
significant increase in external surface radiation levels, and no substantial reduction in the
effectiveness of the packaging; and
-- Section 10 CFR 71.73 (Hypothetical Accident Conditions), there would be no escape of
krypton-85 exceeding 10 A2 in one week, no escape of other radioactive material exceeding
rem/h) at one meter (40 in) from the external surface of the package.
Compliance with the permitted activity release limits of paragraph (a) of this section must not
depend upon filters or upon a mechanical cooling system.
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