| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
b. Contact the Radiological Control Organization for entry and exit requirements.
c. (Insert facility-specific information.)
6. Underground Radioactive Materials Areas (URMAS) Where an Individual is not Likely
to Receive a Dose > 0.1 rem in a Year (Recommended)
URMAS are area designations recommended by the DOE RCS. They are established
to indicate the presence of underground items that contain radioactive materials such as
pipelines, radioactive cribs, covered ponds, inactive burial grounds, and covered spills.
This type of area designation is not required by 10 CFR 835, and its use may vary from
site to site.
a. Posting:
Special instructions such as, "Consult with Radiological Control Organization before
Digging" or "Subsurface Contamination Exists" may be included.
b. General requirements:
1) An Underground Radioactive Materials Area may be exempt from the general
entry and exit requirements if individual doses do not exceed 100 mrem in a
2) Contact the Radiological Control Organization prior to entry.
c. (Insert facility-specific information.)
D. Areas a RW I Trained Person May Not Enter
1. High Radiation Areas (HRAs)
HRA is any area accessible to individuals in which radiation levels could result in an
individual receiving a deep dose equivalent in excess of 100 mrem/hr at 30 centimeters
from the source.
a. Posting Requirements:
Additionally, the posting may state:
"Personnel Dosimetry Required for Entry"
b. Unescorted entry into this area requires appropriate training, such as RW II or RW
I with the High Radiation Area training module.
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