| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Module 10.1: Instructions for Evaluators
Attachment 1
General Guidelines
Before developing the facility-specific scoring criteria, it is recommended that the following
general guidelines be considered.
Identify key elements or facility-specific procedures that relate to the objectives.
In Attachment 2, the elements correspond to the objectives of Module 10.3.
Develop a checklist or grading form. (See Attachment 2. It is recommended that a
weighted point system be used.)
No partial credit should be given for any item graded as inadequate during the evaluation.
(Either full credit given or no credit.)
Student should receive a passing score of 80% or greater.
Develop an "Evaluation Standard." This standard should specifically identify the
objectives and actions or non-actions that would require points to be deducted for the
Categorize and Define Specific Actions
Once the list of key elements is developed, it is important that each facility categorize the
action(s) related to the item as acceptable or unacceptable. When determining unacceptable
actions (mistakes), the following categories are suggested:
Minor mistakes (self-identified vs. instructor- identified).
Significant mistakes (self-identified vs. instructor- identified).
Automatic failures.
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