| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
1) Primary dosimeters should be worn on the chest area. This area is on or
between the neck and the waist. Radiological control procedures or work
authorizations may also identify proper placement.
2) Supplement dosimeters are worn in accordance with site policy. This includes
pocket, electronic dosimeters, extremity dosimetry, or multiple dosimeter sets.
c. Take proper actions if dosimeter is lost, damaged, contaminated, or off-scale. If in
an area controlled for radiological purposes, take the following actions:
1) Place work activities in a safe condition.
2) Alert others.
3) Immediately exit the area.
4) Notify radiological control personnel.
d. Store the dosimeter in the proper storage location.
e. Return dosimeters for processing as directed. Personnel that fail to return
dosimeters may be restricted from continued radiological work.
Dosimeters issued from the permanent work site cannot be worn at another site.
g. (Insert facility-specific information.)
B. Internal Monitoring
Whole body counters, chest counters, and/or bioassay samples may be used to monitor
radioactive material in the human body. In some cases, the locations of radioactive material
may be determined. An internal dose estimate may be performed based on these
1. Purpose of each type of internal monitoring.
(Insert facility-specific information.)
2. Worker responsibilities
(Insert facility-specific information.)
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