| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Module 3: Radiation Limits and Administrative Control Limits
Instructor's Notes
Module 3:
Radiation Limits and Administrative Control Levels
Terminal Objective :
Given various time frames and different parts of the body, identify the applicable DOE dose limits,
DOE administrative control levels, and facility-specific administrative control levels in accordance with
the lesson material.
Enabling Objectives :
The participant will be able to select the correct response from a group of responses to verify his/her
ability to:
EO1 State the purposes of administrative control levels.
EO2 Identify the DOE radiation dose limits, DOE recommended administrative control level, and the
facility administrative control level.
EO3 State the site policy concerning prenatal radiation exposure.
EO4 Identify the employee's responsibilities concerning radiation dose limits and administrative
control levels.
Instructional Aids:
Student Guide
Activities (as applicable)
Self-check quizzes (as applicable)
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