| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
D. Radioactive Waste Minimization
One of the potential consequences of working with radioactive materials is the generation of
radioactive waste. This radioactive waste must be properly disposed. Examples of
radioactive waste include:
Brooms, mops
The ALARA concept also applies to minimizing radioactive waste. This will reduce
personnel exposure associated with the handling, packaging, storing, and disposing of
radioactive waste. This will also reduce the resultant costs. It is very important for each
radiological worker to minimize the amount of radioactive waste generated.
1. Methods to minimize radioactive waste
The following information identifies methods to minimize radioactive waste.
a. Minimize the materials used for radiological work.
Take only the tools and materials you need for the job into areas controlled for
radiological purposes. This is especially important for contamination areas.
Unpack equipment and tools in a clean area. This will help to avoid bringing
unnecessary material to the job site. This material can become radioactive
waste if it is contaminated.
Use tools and equipment that are identified for radiological work when
possible. (Add facility-specific information about where such tools are stored.)
Use only the materials required to clean the area. An excessive amount of
bags, rags, and solvent adds to radioactive waste.
Sleeve, or otherwise protect with a covering such as plastic, clean materials
brought into contaminated areas.
(Insert facility-specific information.)
b. Separate radioactive waste from nonradioactive waste.
Place radioactive waste in the containers identified for radioactive waste. Do
not place radioactive waste in nonradioactive waste containers.
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