| DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Module 4: ALARA Program
Instructor's Notes
Do not exceed stay times. In some cases, the
Radiological Control Organization may limit
the amount of time a worker may stay in an
area due to various reasons. This is known
as "stay time." If you have been assigned a
stay time, do not exceed this time.
(Insert facility-specific information.)
b. Methods for maximizing distance from sources of
EO4 Identify methods for
reducing external and
internal radiation dose.
The worker should stay as far away as possible
from the source of radiation.
1) Stay as far away from radiation sources as
Dose RateA=
practical given the task assignment. For point
Dose RateB x Distance A
sources (such as valves and hot spots), the dose
rate follows a principle called the inverse square
law. This law states that if you double the
distance, the dose rate falls to 1/4 of the original
dose rate. If you triple the distance, the dose
rate falls to 1/9 of the original dose rate.
2) Be familiar with radiological conditions in the
3) During work delays, move to lower dose rate
4) Use remote handling devices when possible.
5) (Insert facility-specific information.)
c. Proper uses of shielding
Shielding reduces the amount of radiation dose to
EO4 Identify methods for
the worker. Different materials shield a worker
reducing external and
from the different types of radiation.
internal radiation dose.
1) Take advantage of permanent shielding, such as
non-radiological equipment/structures.
2) Use shielded containments when available.
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