| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Module 10.3: Practical Factors
Instructor's Notes
D. Introduction
Prior knowledge of radiological conditions and proper use
of protective clothing can reduce the potential for personnel
radiation dose and contamination. Using proper radiological
techniques and information provided by Radiological
Control personnel will help ensure a safe working
environment for all employees.
Suggested activities for
conducting this practical
This module allows each student to practice identifying work
exercise are cited in the
requirements for entering, working in, and exiting a simulated
body of the module. The
radiological area using contamination control and ALARA
suggestions may be altered
techniques. The instructor should correct errors or answer
to fit facility needs.
student questions.
A. Review an appropriate Radiological Work Permit (RWP)
Each worker must review an RWP to identify the specific
EO1 Identify and
requirements and special instructions for the job.
requirements. (DOE RCS
Suggest: Using a facility-specific RWP and, if
Articles 321-323.)
applicable, a survey map, conduct a pre-job brief.
Have students review the RWP and survey map and
answer questions regarding each.
Suggest: 1) Conduct small group activity where one
group can give the brief to the rest of the class. 2)
Provide a questionnaire and have groups complete it.
Incorporate lessons learned occurrences.
(Demonstrate or discuss occurrence.)
B. Record the Appropriate Information on the RWP sign in
EO2 RECORD appropriate
information on the RWP.
(DOE RCS, Article 322.)
After reviewing the RWP and identifying the applicable
requirements, workers must record the appropriate
Suggest: Using a facility-specific RWP, have students
practice completing appropriate information on RWP
sign in sheet.
Incorporate lessons learned occurrences.
(Demonstrate or discuss occurrence.)
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