| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Module 2 Biological Effects
Instructor's Notes
Prenatal Radiation Exposure
Although no effects were seen in Japanese children
EO8 State the potential
conceived after the atomic bomb, there were effects seen in
effects associated with
some children who were in the womb when exposed to the
prenatal radiation dose.
atomic bomb radiation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Some of
these children were born with a slightly smaller head size,
lower average birth weight, and increased incidence of mental
retardation. Some later showed lower IQ test scores and
slower scholastic development, smaller physical size, and
increased incidence of behavioral problems.
Sensitivity of the fetus
Embryo/fetal cells are rapidly dividing, which makes them
sensitive to many environmental factors including ionizing
radiation. The embryo/fetus is most susceptible to
developing adverse health effects if exposed during the
time period of 8 - 15 weeks after conception.
Factors for potential effects associated with prenatal
Many chemical and physical (environmental) factors are
suspected of causing or known to have caused damage to
a fetus, especially early in the pregnancy. Radiation,
alcohol consumption, exposure to lead, and heat, such as
from hot tubs, are only a few such factors.
Risks in Perspective
Current radiation protection standards and practices are based
on the premise that any radiation dose, no matter how small,
can result in health effects such as cancer. Further, it is
assumed that these effects are produced in direct proportion
to the dose received (i.e., doubling the radiation dose results in
a doubling of the risk of the effect). These two assumptions
lead to a dose-response relationship, often referred to as the
linear, no-threshold model, for limiting health effects at very
low radiation dose levels.
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