| DOE-HDBK-1131-98
General Employee Radiological Training
Instructor's Guide
E. ALARA Program (EO4)
1. ALARA Concept
EO4 - IDENTIFY individual rights
and responsibilities as related to
The DOE and this Site are firmly
implementation of the radiation
committed to having a Radiological
protection program (including the
Control Program of the highest
ALARA Program.)
quality. Therefore, maintaining
occupational dose from radiation
and radioactive materials As Low As
Is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)
is an integral part of all site activities.
The purpose of the ALARA program
Discuss the radiological control
is to control radiation doses in
philosophy that there be no
consideration of the overall benefit of
personnel dose without
the activity causing the dose.
commensurate benefit.
There are a few basic practices used
to maintain exposure to radiation
a. Time-Reduce the amount of time
spent near a source of radiation.
Discuss some facility-specific
b. Distance-Stay as far away from the
examples of each of these exposure
source as possible.
control techniques.
c. Shielding-Shielding is placed
between workers and the source.
d. Radioactive contamination is
controlled using engineered
ventilation, containments,
decontamination, and lastly, PPE to
minimize the potential for inhalation,
ingestion, or absorption of
radioactive material.
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