| DOE-HDBK-1131-98
General Employee Radiological Training
Instructor's Guide
Driving 40 miles in a car
Flying 2500 miles in a jet
Canoeing for 6 minutes
Receiving 2.5 mrem of
radiation (cancer) (based on
extrapolation of the current
DOE dose model)
EO2 - IDENTIFY the relative risks of
5. Benefit versus risk (EO2)
exposure to radiation and
radioactive materials, including
In summary, the estimated risk
prenatal radiation exposure.
associated with occupational
radiation dose, when compared to
other occupational risks, is
considered to be within the normal
range of risk tolerance by national
and international scientific groups
who have studied these issues.
Clearly though, the acceptance of
risk is a personal matter that each
individual must make for themselves
and is best made with accurate
EO3 - IDENTIFY physical design
features, controls, limits, policies,
D. Radiological Controls (EO3)
procedures, alarms, and other
measures implemented at the facility
Radiological controls are established to
to control doses.
protect individuals from unplanned or
uncontrolled exposure to radiation and
from ingestion, inhalation, or absorption
of radioactive material. These controls
include, but are not limited to, a unique
system of identifying radioactive
materials using certain colors and/or
symbols and radiological postings,
implementation of controls to maintain
radiation exposures As Low As
Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), and
training of workers on radiation safety
and emergency response.
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