| DOE-HDBK-1131-98
General Employee Radiological Training
Instructor's Guide
2. Ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation has enough
energy to remove electrons from
Note: X-rays are identical to gamma
electrically neutral atoms.
rays except for their place of origin.
X-rays originate from a shell electron
There are four basic types of
and gamma rays originate from the
ionizing radiation; alpha
nucleus of an atom.
particles, beta particles,
neutrons and gamma rays.
3. Non-ionizing radiation
Non-ionizing radiation does not have
enough energy to remove an
Insert facility-specific information if
electron from an atom.
hazardous non-ionizing radiation
sources are present.
Types of non-ionizing radiation
include: Microwaves, radio
waves, visible light, heat, and
infrared radiation.
OPTIONAL: Draw/show example of
electromagnetic spectrum. Explain
Non-ionizing radiation is not
that these are all radiation, but have
addressed further in this training.
different energy levels. (Relate this
concept by comparing
4. Radioactive Contamination
microwaves/radio waves/visible
Contamination is uncontained
radioactive material in an unwanted
5. Comparison of radiation and
Use example(s), such as a camp fire
radioactive contamination
or powdered donuts, to depict the
concept of radiation vs.
Exposure to radiation does NOT
result in contamination of the worker.
Only in the case of an individual
coming in contact with radioactive
contamination would there be a
potential for the individual's skin or
clothing to become contaminated.
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