| DOE-HDBK-1131-98
General Employee Radiological Training
Instructor's Guide
d. Materials present in our bodies.
These come from naturally-
occurring radioactive material
present in our food, such as
2. Man-made sources of radiation
Man-made sources of radiation,
where the radiation is either
produced or enhanced by human
activities, contribute to the remainder
of the annual average radiation dose
(approximately 60 millirem). Man-
made sources include the following:
Medical uses such as X rays
and nuclear medicine tests or
Tobacco products
Building materials
3. Comparison of annual radiation
Note that these are average figures
doses from selected sources
and can vary significantly depending
on the individual's location and
Examples of the annual radiation
specific attributes associated with
dose (mrem) from selected sources
the exposure.
of radiation exposure are as follows:
Cigarette smoking
(1 pack a day) 1300
Radon 200
Medical exposures
(average) 54
Terrestrial radiation
(rocks and soil) 28
Cosmic radiation
(sun and space) 28
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