| DOE-HDBK-1131-98
General Employee Radiological Training
Student's Guide
B. Sources of Radiation (EO1)
People have always been exposed to radiation. Radiation, simply defined, is
energy emitted through space and matter. We are exposed to radiation from
naturally-occurring sources in our environment, man-made sources, and even
from materials inside our bodies.
The average annual radiation dose to a member of the general population
is about 360 millirem/year. This amount is a combination of both natural
background and man-made sources of radiation.
1. Natural background sources of radiation
Natural background radiation is by far the largest contributor (about 300
millirem/year) to radiation doses. The main sources of natural background
radiation are listed below:
a. Cosmic radiation - radiation from the sun and outer space, varies with
altitude, (e.g., Denver would be higher than Miami).
b. Radon - (the principal source of background radiation exposure.) A
gas from naturally-occurring uranium in the soil.
Terrestrial radiation from naturally-occurring radioactive material found
in the earth's crust , such as uranium found in rocks and soil.
d. Materials present in our bodies. These come from naturally-occurring
radioactive material present in our food, such as Potassium -4 0 .
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