| DOE-HDBK-1132-99
could release gases that could also bulge the can. State-of-the-art
container packaging methods that either preclude or minimize the use of
plastic bags should be considered, especially for long-term storage of
plutonium containers.
Design of storage tanks for aqueous plutonium solutions should consider
geometrically safe configurations with respect to nuclear criticality.
Plutonium polymer [Pu(IV) solid] could be formed inadvertently under
conditions of transient instability, and once formed, could be difficult to
destroy. Polymerization in localized areas of low acidity could also occur
if an acidic plutonium solution is diluted with water or steam. The
plutonium polymers could clog transfer lines, interfere with ion-exchange
separations, cause foaming, and constitute a criticality hazard. Detection
of the build-up of polymers and means to remove these solids should be
provided in aqueous plutonium storage systems. Prolonged solution
storage of significant quantities of amorphous plutonium should be
Chemical Processing . Plutonium processing operations should be conducted
in the plutonium process area of the PPHF. The initial line of defense to protect
workers in a process area is the confinement system, which includes
enclosures, gloveboxes, conveyor lines, the ventilation system, and process
piping. The primary confinement system should be designed to minimize the
impact on workers and facilities. A secondary confinement barrier enclosing the
primary confinement system provides contamination protection to plant
personnel outside the area of secondary confinement. A tertiary confinement
system, comprised of the building structure, encloses both the primary and
secondary confinement barriers as well as the offices and other support areas,
providing the final barrier between the potential contamination and the outside
environment. Further design considerations for confinement systems are
contained in Part I, Sections 1.1 and 1.2.
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