| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Modularized radiation shielding, in lieu of or in addition to monolithic shielding
walls, should be used for ease of maintenance and decommissioning.
Coatings to Facilitate D&D . To facilitate D&D, the following should be
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D4258, Standard
Practice for Surface Cleaning Concrete for Coating, provides guidance for
facilities that require coatings to enhance decontamination of surfaces or
because of environmental conditions.
Selection of floor and walkway coverings should consider ease of
decontamination. To the extent practical, floor-to-wall interface joints
should be covered for ease of decontamination.
Bare floors, walls, and ceilings should be protected, particularly for
structurally important parts of the building. Protection should be in the
form of strippable or durable coatings for which effective cleaning
methods have been developed.
Surfaces in operating or process areas should have no rough or
absorbent surfaces, seams, or cracks.
For water-pool type facilities, the pool liner should be provided with a
leakage detection and collection system to limit absorption of
contaminated pool water by concrete structures.
Introduction . In many instances, an existing DOE facility that must be
decontaminated and decommissioned does not have a D&D plan and
procedures in place that were implemented in the original facility design. In
addition, DOE has a wide variety of facilities that will undergo D&D. These
facilities are in various present-day conditions of safe layaway or operation.
Six essential functional areas should be considered during D&D plan
development in order to develop a total system to solve the complex problems
related to the cleanup activities associated with D&D:
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