| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Operation and maintenance of special facilities may lead to situations (e.g.,
accidents, special maintenance, spill recovery) where air-supplied respiratory
protection is required. ANSI Z88.2, Respiratory Protection, and 29 CFR
1910.134, Occupational Safety and Health Standards, provide guidance for the
design of breathing air supply systems.
Contamination Control . Use of devices to warn personnel of possible
radioactive or other hazardous contamination should be evaluated and provided
in accordance with the evaluation. Personnel monitoring devices, such as hand
and foot counters, should be provided in the vicinity of workstations. Installed
monitors (supplemented with personal monitoring methods) should be used to
monitor personnel exiting an operating area. Continuous air monitors (CAMs)
should be used to detect and alarm at prescribed airborne radioactivity levels.
ANSI N13.4, American National Standard for the Specification of Portable X- or
Gamma-Radiation Survey Instruments, provides guidance on personnel
monitoring devices.
Facility design should locate personnel decontamination facilities close to areas
that represent potential contamination sources. Decontamination facilities
should be designed to minimize the inadvertent spread of contamination during
personnel decontamination activities.
Change rooms should be provided for changing into and from protective
clothing. These areas should be separate for male and female workers and be
located adjacent to shower facilities. Change rooms should be designed to
segregate clean clothing (e.g., personal clothing) and protective clothing.
Storage of contaminated protective clothing should be controlled so that
contamination does not spread. Change room exhaust air should be HEPA
filtered if dispersible radionuclides are handled in the process areas it serves.
material, equipment, or operations), an area radiation monitoring and alarm
system is used to alert personnel of unexpected increases in ionizing radiation
levels. Warning and alarm systems should be designed, installed, and tested to
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