| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Design Considerations . The design of fusion test facilities should consider
inclusion of the design features described below. Design requirements vary
significantly depending on the characteristics of the test facility, the type of fuel,
and the site characteristics.
Cooling systems should be provided, as required, for removal of heat from the
fusion machine first wall (vacuum vessel), blanket, or other ancillary equipment.
To reduce the amount of tritium released by a single equipment failure, the
design should include the following provisions, as practical:
the capability of completely isolating areas that house equipment
containing tritium from areas normally occupied by personnel,
the capability of isolating sources of tritium, and
the location of tritium monitors to allow the prompt detection of conditions
requiring corrective or protective actions.
When the severity of accidents requires that a containment structure be used,
the design pressure and temperature for fusion machine secondary
confinement or containment should be determined considering the effects of
energy transport and chemical reactions that may occur following the failure of
a fluid system inside the containment. The containment should allow periodic
leak-rate testing. To minimize the release of hazardous materials to the
atmosphere, means should be provided to isolate the primary containment
following accidents that release hazardous material to the containment
The design of fusion facilities'secondary confinement or containment where
large quantities of tritium are used should consider inclusion of an emergency
tritium cleanup system to mitigate the consequences of an accident involving a
failure of a tritium system pressure boundary.
A secondary confinement system should be used for tritium auxiliary and other
systems containing hazardous materials that are located outside the fusion
machine secondary confinement building or containment structure.
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