| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Design Considerations . The design of reprocessing facilities should consider
inclusion of the features described below. Design requirements vary significantly
depending on the material (fuel) characteristics, the reprocessing technique, and
the characteristics of the site.
Process system and auxiliary system differential pressure should be
maintained to inhibit back-flow of contamination into auxiliary systems.
The process equipment for transferring toxic and corrosive fluids should
use vacuum and gravity where possible. Pumps and jets should have
pressure capacity no greater than 10 percent above needed transfer
The integrity of process equipment off-gas treatment systems should be
ensured for normal operations, anticipated operational occurrences, and
The use of directed airflow and back-flow prevention features to feed
areas (i.e., shear and dissolver areas) should be considered.
Mechanical chopper and dissolver off-gas and other process vents should
be treated by an off-gas treatment system for removal of nuclides. As a
minimum, the treatment system should be designed for particulate
removal and should control the release of airborne radionuclides. In
addition, the design should incorporate ALARA concepts to minimize
impacts on operators and the public/environment.
Radioiodine adsorber units in the exhaust ventilation/off-gas system
should be considered to reduce the radioiodine concentration in the
effluent. Additionally, these releases should be ALARA. (See ASME
AG-1 for adsorber selection considerations.)
To reduce the amount of hazardous material that can be released if the process
equipment fails, the following design provisions should be considered:
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