| DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Stack monitoring systems should have central (i.e., control room or
radiation monitoring office) readout and alarm panels that are accessible
after an accident to evaluate internal conditions. Such data are useful for
designing the most appropriate and efficient response to a release-
related incident.
Radiation monitoring, alarm, and warning systems that must function
during a loss of normal power should be provided with an emergency
UPS (internal or external on-line). However, if it is demonstrated that
these systems can tolerate a temporary loss of function without losing
needed data and these systems are provided with standby or emergency
(switched) power, the emergency UPS is not necessary. Determination
of the power supply type and quality, including availability during and
after events, should be based on the safety classification of the
monitoring system or device. Emergency backup power systems are
critical to the operation of monitoring, alarm, and warning systems in the
case of a simultaneous power failure and radioactive release.
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