| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
Laboratory Facilities (Including Hot Laboratories). The following provisions
are typical for a laboratory facility confinement system. The actual confinement
system requirements for a specific laboratory facility should be determined on a
case-by-case basis.
If radioiodine may be present, consideration should be given to the installation
of radioiodine absorber units in the exhaust ventilation/off-gas system to reduce
the radioiodine concentration in the effluent.
Primary Confinement System.
In hot laboratories, primary confinement usually consists of items such
as a hot cell, glovebox, process piping, tank, fume hood, etc.; the volume
enclosed is normally contaminated.
The primary confinement volume and isolation systems, as appropriate,
should be compartmentalized to isolate high-risk areas and to minimize
the potential effects of accidents.
The primary confinement system(s) should operate under process
conditions that prevent or minimize the potential for explosive chemical
reactions and should use ALARA design principles to minimize
Design features for primary confinement for laboratory facilities and
processes are facility-specific and should therefore incorporate the
following features as appropriate:
Introduction and removal stations should provide for safe
introduction and removal of material and maintenance equipment
to and from the primary confinement.
Separate ventilation system or off-gas treatment system with
appropriate air-cleaning capability (e.g., HEPA filtration,
radioiodine absorbers, scrubbers) should be considered. The
use of an inert gas atmosphere within the primary confinement is
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