| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1132-99
under adverse weather conditions, and when handling high-freeze-point
materials. Insufficient protection causes instrument malfunction and
maintenance to be performed under adverse conditions.
Introduction . Factors that should be considered in the selection of a material for use in
a component include assessment of the following:
physical, chemical, electrical, and mechanical properties;
availability in forms, shapes, sizes, and colors
insurability, reliability, and safety;
economics, cost/benefit, and initial/life-cycle cost;
effects of the environment on workers and the public; and
normal operating conditions, anticipated events, and accidents.
Factors that should be considered are contained in the design codes, such as those
produced by ASME, American Welding Society, ANSI, and IEEE. The economics of a
material selection includes its initial cost and its life-cycle cost. Economic considerations
include the following:
a clear definition of expected component performance, including degradation
and failure modes;
the required service life, and
the anticipated inspection, testing, and maintenance required to sustain
component performance at a defined level.
The insurability aspects of materials selection relate to the safety and reliability issues of
a component. Each of these aspects of material selection is relatively easy to determine
because of the codes and the government and insurance regulations that apply.
However, taking only these issues into account in a materials selection process has not
prevented failures or poor performance of components.
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